Apples’ Boxes > Boxes’ Summary: What Are Possessive Nouns? In this case, handle the plural first, then the possessive. The words mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs are called possessive pronouns. And that's how you form a plural possessive. This article will provide useful information on the different forms of possessive adjectives, the different functions, some tips on their usage, as well as some examples that can serve as your reference. Plural words of this type are treated and assumed as singular words specially when transforming noun possessives. An apostrophe can be used to show that one thing belongs to or is connected to something. Plural possessive means more than one, plus ownership. A plural possessive noun is exactly what it sounds like: a plural noun with a possessive ending to show ownership. Five Ways to Use "S" at the End of a Noun or VerbUse "s" or "es" to show plurality in count nouns. ...Use "s" for present tense subject/verb agreement. Add "s" on the end of a verb in present tense to agree with the singular "he," "she," or "it" subject Adding ...Use an apostrophe followed by "s" ('s) to show that a singular noun belongs to someone or something. ...More items... Here, the noun "cats'" is neither the subject (which is "we") nor the object (which is "beds"). If a word ends in -s, -ch, or -z, how do you make it plural? Plural possessive with separate posessions. When we refer to a house that belongs to a family, we say "family's house". Pluralizing family gives us "families". Referring to the houses of several families, we say "families' houses". Instead, "cats'" is a plural possessive noun, showing that the object of the sentence belongs to one particular group. In most cases, a possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe +s to the noun, or if the noun is plural and already ends in s, only an apostrophe needs to be added. When indicating the possessive, if there is more than one owner add an apostrophe to the plural; if there is one owner, add 's to the singular (The Smiths' car vs. Smith's car). Many of us think we understand the rules governing plural and possessive forms, but misuse is prevalent. You’re probably thinking, “Wait, I thought the word people was Plural means more than one. excessive lawyers’ fees. Put this box in Colin’s office. 6th Grade Plural Possessive Nouns Worksheets Hamburger (singular) becomes hamburgers (plural) Match the singular and possessive nouns with their plural forms. With the addition of ’s (or sometimes just the apostrophe), a noun can change from a simple person, place, or thing to a person, place, or thing that owns something. Magnum Management Corporation Knott's Berry Farm, Cbs Hawaii Channel Spectrum, Can T Throw Backhand Disc Golf, Where Does Srixon Ship From, Resident Evil 3 Flame Knife, Palmdale Weather 14 Day Forecast, Is San Francisco Going To Flood, " />