. Control of Rosy Wolf Snails • Euglandina rosea (the rosy wolfsnail) was introduced to Hawaii in 1955 to control agricultural mollusk pests. Hawaii’s once-teeming land snail scene of more than 750 species has shrunk by more than half, ravaged by habitat loss and invasive species such as rats, Jackson’s … Mace GM, Pearce-Kelly P, Clark D, 1998. Maintenance and snail care There are plenty of positives for keeping snails but I love that they don’t take a lot of work. cute as it may seem, the rosy wolf snail is actually a cannibalistic, invasive species. Can reach the size of an apple, but in Hawaii they tend to be slightly smaller than a golfball. When the Wolf Snail more knowledge, we may be able to impede the destruction of these snails The native snail fauna of the Hawaiian Islands is rapidly disappearing. CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR ONLINE “LOGO PRODUCT” STORE. Hawaii’s once-teeming land snail scene of more than 750 species has shrunk by more than half, ravaged by habitat … This is thought to largely be due to predation by the rosy wolfsnail. Introduced range in other countries