> 0 /MediaBox What should go in a UX research portfolio? >> 1 Wordstream . >> If so, PDF format might work best for you. 26.962599 What elements might be unique or effective? Download Ux Designer Portfolio Examples doc. Slap the title “UX Research Portfolio” on your collection of work — and in the filename (ux-research-portfolio-jay-kaufmann.pdf). Designing a seamless trial and on-boarding experience. 1766 0 4. 0 /Type These fall under two broad categories: Let’s have a closer look at each of these. >> [ Offer free pizza to friends who can exercise a critical eye in exchange. x��X[oUE�����1����af���' �5�rJ��Q��S�h���[3�2s8���v�uf�˷���=s>Xm�٫�x���l8�6�搼qe��g,�?g�)���d|tr�6>��g���A·�?��~��O�)�L�_=}/�φ'׆#��7έ8�e�m��G�!�ƴ^L☳��r[khB}8��� 2. 9 Carolin’s UX designer portfolio showcases thumbnails with different mockups, colour, and type. A short bio section will usually do the trick. Table and impressive portfolio examples from her personal website than photos and up! /Outlines 10 [ Broadridge. JSTOR. Tools & techniques. Your portfolio should include: Information about you, your process, and your work experience. Note: Save yourself some time later (in Step 3) and pay attention to how these potential employers ask for portfolios/work samples to be submitted. My Journey Work Research Associate (EECS, Vanderbilt) Digital UX Specialist (Libraries, Purdue) Education BS Industrial Engineering (Tsinghua) MS HCI (Tsinghua) PhD Human Factors (NC State) Beijing, China US 2006 2009 2011 Research Assistant (NC State) Research Assistant (Tsinghua) 3. Locate recommended UX portfolios (research and Google high-rankings). Look at the project and consider: Build these points out into a concise but engaging narrative. 0 Portfolios are common in visual arts, like design and photography. [ While UX research falls under the umbrella of UX design, there is an increasing demand for UX professionals with a specialized focus in key areas of the design process—and research is one of these rising stars. ;��GTf��'��f��T&흛 ���aOW\����[;��Hy�4w�� ��Ua� �b$5�z�ʓ�cu�p��s�6�4R]���-s�־�t��2� ��X4�7���������`-X�m�J#� ��l���>Y4���\P?ֺ�z1�h���xgc{�}rDy�b�L����[����.�^��8m=�8x\Hִ�c~��Ս���e[��X���(�e�c�tL)_�w�� What soft skills or other qualities are they looking for in a colleague? ] ] Bret is a storyteller and a self-professed … My research suggests many hiring managers prefer PDF-based portfolios, as they're simple to navigate, annotate and share internally. 6 Hopefully, if you are struggling with putting together your UX Research portfolio, this will serve as a helpful outline or breakdown, and get you to think beyond UX. Gather artifacts related to the conversations you’ve had with users, responses to the surveys you’ve written, and outcomes of the tests you’ve conducted—and get ready to highlight the context, process, and impact of your work. 8 No need to start a crash course in coding or pretend to be a designer if that’s not your strong suit. :��p�~ 17 /Subtype /Contents Who is Elizabeth Lin? 2 [ 9��F������ �4��\? To provide deeper, customized insights: Begin with a tool you know well (e.g., Keynote). stream Test it. The process you followed to define your objectives, conduct studies, create deliverables, etc. The recommendations from research were used to expand on the site map and build detailed wireframes. Download Ux Designer Portfolio Examples pdf. endobj stream [ Fantastic! Elevating the office guest check-in experience. R /Resources I have found portfolios to be less important for ux research roles. /A ���>S��// ���*�5��#Χ*�P=��,,�m���8�lw Ә.q ���3��3w�Q���Cֶ�;uM�S� ���}9Q�����!e#�/5�H�k��]c��F�x�hL]f�p���Q�}9�P�'�����#,��e���v��|{TN���)�����x;.��u+XG�>~�Z�`/�$�V�δ����:� Not sure if you should make a website, a pdf, a slideshow or send via courier pigeon? Since these are not the direct focus of UX research, the difference will be in the work and skills you showcase. /Pages A UX research portfolio is naturally less visual in nature than its UX design counterparts, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be every bit as engaging! So you’ve heard about UX research, but you’re not sure how to build your own research-focused portfolio? Sarah is committed to helping … Consider: Once you’ve decided where you’ll build your portfolio, it’s time to get down to it. /Catalog STYLE TILE. For the others, spell it out in your cover letter, too. Whatever you decide, you want to look before you leap. << These people are all members of … 0 R << x��ZY��FV�� @��� �a�#yJ���a/ۻy�B��������t��ѱ��Zڀ]�F-��S��ֻT0���^6������黔3�E��pMW4��"ܽN�5�r���$7N�`�6��ez��&���?/�|���/�",���Ź��2}~'݃o�֜#��s̤��[V�t1O��Y^}낹 ��&�K�A�F�*F���V�S�eE��HG�jfE+"K�MV#Rcq�{iᑹP6�[����EL�U�(%��� �_f0{�>�?y��o�* �Ξ� '��=����2Ø=K�K\2N֒�d����d~o�~/9 That’s an incredibly broad skillset for a portfolio to effectively highlight. /FlateDecode 0 Emerson is a New Mexican transplant to Berlin. 0 Because UX research is a subset of the broader field of UX, a research-focused portfolio should adopt the general formatting, structure, and content that hiring managers are accustomed to seeing. /Page You understand the skills and qualities you want to highlight, and you know which of your projects you want to feature in your portfolio. obj ݁�hm�&� '��m��l���'bڹ�gU*X@pB��U��N�9jJP� ���u+R2���"o&렼@y�+P�. 0 /S /Link >> A competent UX-specific hiring manager or recruiter can tell a researcher from a designer a mile away. ��$�+ �Z�qS06$$\ � ���B���"�ьT91e���A13�1 �J�8��Е۱L�J�Y�P�4|�>�A;[h}㝥d�D�@p�4)�D�� ��KG� J܀I��T�m 5��A���A8̩�tʺ�Smo�9�L�Z�$�-_ �g�`a�P&w$�����e^Ԑ���O Where have I made mistakes or had to adjust my process? Maybe if you are a designer second chance (pdf) is easier for you. Then, whether you check off, underline, or cross them out—whatever system comes naturally to you—mark which of these items you feel most confident about, which ones you’re excited to learn or get better at, and which ones you don’t feel confident in or that you really don’t care to learn. Nicely and ux portfolio allows you can control who sees the requirements from our site has extensive experience profession, and developer from now is about? /Rect Boraham Cho used Medium to quickly get his UX portfolio online . /CS 0 Skydeo. /Length While a PDF UX portfolio might seem similar to an online UX portfolio, it serves a slightly different purpose. ,X�C�ZC�bfy���OVg'-�~���ӿh���r� S�]N�3.�r$��=�����Y��[�z��L]��w6����JM���T�Q�Ug[76����[�PBr�x�\OJ�Ago,��}$�5 �~\a���p����b�d�z����I����aU'a����J�{uE}��Cu��#|bu�Nԩ����`=�͗�����~;��7W�G�=���j���s>��G7X�\�m��fR���NFP� ց�L��SuW� �/�^Q7գG��n�]��uA��ߞ̵� ��ԧ����G�dx��.�|��@J�E�����o���9���~��j��:�W��˝��5~~��v�����vQj@�L>��e�d�ɐ��h�h�C$��W��WbuS`R�fY1��^;[��-i��0G���}QTkb”�jM iA�� }�c��l#�9gIC6e���mU�ٰ��� �`|���!��sL6h7�=!��y��1Y SZr�J��u(6�@�1-[o�җ�)�*��8��!%;��]` << What method will best adapt itself to the projects you want to feature? /Group Vandana is a product designer at Spotify in New York and has a calm and relaxing feel … endobj The important thing to accomplish in this step is to understand who your target reader is and where you stand in relation to what they’re looking for. 1 If you look at what a UX researcher actually does, it’s easy to see that they exercise a skillset that reaches from research strategy and data analysis, to understanding human behavior and effectively carrying on conversations with users and stakeholders alike. /URI You know the full range of your skills and experience; your case studies are where you show potential employers that you know how to conduct UX research like a pro. (https://pxhere.com/en/photo/723651) She is a contributing author to InVision, UX Magazine, UX Mastery, UX Matters, and has been published in the New York Times. /Type Don’t forget that a complete bio includes a way for potential employers to contact and connect with you (don’t forget social media), and any references or testimonials you’ve collected over time (specifically relevant to your work as a UX researcher, if possible). You’ve made it easy for potential employers to connect with you and to see what others have said about your work. So where did the concept of the user experience portfolio come from? In 2014, if you are without a portfolio that showcases your UX thinking and execution, you will be extremely lucky to be invited in for an interview. to follow as you build your own portfolio. In this article, we outline some best practices and 10 exceptional examples. There are many experienced professionals—such as David Travis, Sarah Doody, and Ran Segall—who share portfolio reviews. /Contents << It certainly helped me look at my portfolio approach more creatively. Scour job boards for positions that you find intriguing—not only with the job title you’re looking for, but with the kinds of companies you’re truly interested in. /Group R >> Your potential colleagues. R It should evolve just as you and your work evolve over time. Because UX research is a subset of the broader field of UX, a research-focused portfolio should adopt the general formatting, structure, and content that hiring managers are accustomed to seeing. << The first step in the process is to do what a UX researcher does best: research. >> /DeviceRGB 0 This typically goes on the first page or is easily accessible from there. But PowerPoint is dead. But they are uncommon to the point of being unheard of in scientific fields, like research and technology. Take these one project at a time. I own a domain name and host the domain. Update it. I switch hosting services between HostGator and godaddy every few years because of deals offered) level 2. Conduct a Qualitative analysis of the portfolios; what content, visual concepts, or interactions are trends? But this can be an advantage, as it offers you more opportunities for storytelling and explaining the background of your work. 7 Well done! >> First: What is a case study? But at some point over the last decade, a clueless recruiter or employer asked a user experience researche… 0 0 Digital Transformation of an Iconic sporting brand. 5 As such, the work of a UX researcher has arguably the most humanizing influence on the design work that goes into a product. Don’t underestimate the importance of giving your reader context, revealing your process, and showing the direct results and impact of your work! 0 ] What impact your work had on the project—be as specific as possible. % ���� While some characteristics differ, the overall style (3D, floating mockups on a solid coloured background) are constant. /Nums 1 >> << Titleist. /Length << Pick out the best work samples and artifacts (customer journey maps, usability tests, participant screeners, etc.). Supplement discovered UX portfolios via colleague recommendations. Do You Need a Degree to Be a UX Designer? They read, research, and write about all things microcopy, UX, and inclusive design. ] 405 0 In her “New cancer patient orientation guide” case study, We especially like the concision and visual elements in. 0 These can be incredibly helpful as they give an unbiased glimpse into the approaches and perceptions of hiring managers. 7 endstream In broad strokes, a UX researcher is the person on the product team whose job lives closest to the end user. Viewing, sending and receiving feedback on 1000s of UX portfolios year on year gives us Zebras a unique oversight of the UX market and the ever evolving expectations of employers. Nikki Anderson. This will be a continually updated list of UX Design Portfolios I admire.. Ah, the UX portfolio. Hiring managers are looking for the right skillset, to be sure, but they are also looking for the person who will be the best fit for the team. Written by . R Your portfolio should include: Most, if not all, of these components are included in the portfolios you’ll find in collections like UX Collective’s 50 Essential UX Portfolios. Meet Penelope, Patrick, and Pamela. However, you’ll often use your online UX portfolio to apply for a job and only send a PDF UX portfolio to interested recruiters. obj enter. (�� G o o g l e) 0 << (I've built mine with wordpress to allow more customization since I have web design knowledge. What platforms and programs are you already familiar with? obj 18 0 We’ll also give you a step-by-step guide (with examples!) Five steps to creating your UX research portfolio, Five of our favorite UX research portfolios, UX Collective’s 50 Essential UX Portfolios, what format your UX portfolio should be in, What Does a UX Researcher Actually Do? /Type x���.CJ�)��հ�(q_:��_Jo`b��6e���ѳ�Miv�*�\ ��u��1x�����s,�tla���Y�Vr �4�פ�!��$N �:����p� �#Ю6a���]��0�H$0w�'��P�hDaƖ�?-����/�M]�����#�Cj���x+Y7���@�ʃ�["&q�h�(F���W4�&7v"v�r���8,]�Xu�.#��Lk[�2� V�4�6��t���[�5�m$��@�o-a-l���f����lǗCxJ̛�� �2h�v��R�d�!��V���2e���fk0� �V9Tt�I9a�G�U�f��L?�P�i�. R 9 /D /Border R What’s the difference between a UX design portfolio and a UX research portfolio? When they’re not writing, they’re tucked away in some corner of Berlin with a beverage, a book, and their guardian cat Clementine. Then dig a little—look up the companies and hiring managers, and see what you can learn. The general opinion is that the online portfolio should be short, and in the PDF Portfolio you can go deeper. 0 Vandana Pai. 13.840551 Boosting conversions with frictionless UX. /Type Many of the UX portfolios you’ll find online are design-focused, featuring work that is quite visual in nature—prototypes, wireframes, and fully operational websites and apps. obj As a general rule, keep this portion under 150 words and cover who you are, what you specialize in, and what your overall approach and processes are. endobj /DeviceRGB %PDF-1.4 4 Here are questions to guide your determination of which ones are the “best”: Shortlist these projects and artifacts (it’s okay if it’s a longer list at this point), then come back to your list from Step 1. Note: ... • Keep it brief — 2 sides/slides max in a pdf per case study • Keep it consistent — use the same case study structure throughout, support the creation of the user’s mental model, reduce their cognitive load. Of course, both types of portfolios serve to help get you a UX job. �L'����u 0 R /Creator Build your sections: Cover page—Make a fantastic first impression; About section—Introduce yourself in 3–4 sentences. << Launching powerful products faster with prototyping. This guide will cover what a UX researcher does, and how a UX research portfolio is different from a UX design portfolio. /FlateDecode 3. How do most of your potential employers request that work samples be submitted? The Ultimate Career Guide, Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Your UX Research Portfolio, Interview Toolkit: Top 5 UX Research Questions to Prepare For, 9 Amazing (and Free) UX Training Resources for Beginners, How To Start Designing Apps For Amazon Alexa And Google Home For A Living. See how your product (portfolio) does with members of your target readership. If you know people in the field, see if any of these colleagues are willing to look over it. Quality over quantity is the best rule to follow when … You’ve got your bio and case studies written. 0 ] Bret Victor. << Make a slide-by-slide presentation. Your portfolio isn’t a one-and-done project! /PageLabels 0 >> Present the Right Documents. endobj 0 /S /Filter What is a UX researcher and what do they do? >> So, whether you make first your online portfolio or your pdf portfolio, you should do both. Do you anticipate changing your portfolio regularly to adapt to the requirements of individual employers/job postings? Color: … 720 << Your goal: Find the three projects that best exemplify the skills and qualities you’re confident in and/or excited about learning. /Annots obj R 0 But you’re not ready to send your portfolio out into the world just yet. 0 6.640552 0 The goal was to focus on the portfolio of the designers so we kept the style palette simple to let photos stand out. << What are your actual skills in coding and design? UX designer portfolios – and UI designer portfolios too, of course – contain more visual outputs (wireframes, sketches, and shiny UIs) while UX researcher portfolios lean towards being more content-heavy, emphasizing more of the research methods and processes. Which ones best demonstrate my approach to design problems? /Transparency Sarah also created the popular weekly newsletter, The UX Notebook. #ux #portfolios #design #designer Which ones are implicit (read between the lines)? I would love to hear any UX Research portfolio tips & tricks you have! 0 What makes a winning UX portfolio? More than a showcase of skills, it is an opportunity for them to create an enjoyable user experience as well as demonstrate their UX mastery. /Parent 21 However, looking at the portfolio as a whole it still feels cohesive. /Action They can also be printed quickly for the daily commute home. Finding it hard to finish your UI/UX or product design portfolio? How to make a Static (PDF) UX Portfolio. obj /Parent Finally, here are five excellent example portfolios for you to peruse. /Names /S /S What skills and qualities are explicitly stated? R Think of each case study as an individual storybook in a series that will give your reader a well-rounded look at your work. If you’d like to learn more about UX research and UX portfolios, check out these articles: If you enjoyed this article then so will your friends, why not share it... Marketing Content Editor at CareerFoundry. obj /Filter Elizabeth Lin reigns supreme with visual storytelling. The goal with each case study is it to present a good—but brief—story that highlights what skills you possess, what you learned, and what you accomplished. This is a truly beautiful piece of the internet. /Type Whether you’re new to the field of UX research, or experienced and looking to make your portfolio more specialized, we’ve got you covered! 720 Choose 3–5 Projects as Detailed Case Studies. Portfolio is a mandatory requirement in almost every job application because UX design is hands-on and employers want to see that you can execute an entire UX design project from research to implementation, that you’re familiar with industry tools, and that you’re able to identify users’ problems and solve them in an effective way. endobj Improve on it. R Again, there are plenty of other resources available for general portfolio guidance. Your sections ux research portfolio pdf cover page—Make a fantastic first impression ; about section—Introduce yourself in 3–4 sentences opportunities for storytelling explaining. Of research portfolios ( research and Google high-rankings ) it still feels cohesive the person on the design and. The three projects that best exemplify the skills and qualities you ’ re not ready to send your on! Specific as possible what soft skills or other qualities are they looking for in a colleague her website... 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