Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: May 2010, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199273461.001.0001, PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE ( L’une de ces approches évalue les résultats en termes de la qualité globale de la vie complète des gens ; les trois autres évaluent les résultats en termes des différents segments de vie des gens. Beauchamp and Childress attribute to Kant the idea that everyone “must make (author or originate) his own moral principles” and redefine this to mean that “each individual must will the acceptance of his principles” [14, p. 57]. We are not unfree if we do something we don’t want to do, as long as we identify with the reason for our action [39, p. 377] – an agent may perform an action she has no desire to perform, for example, because she wants to be able to see herself as a certain kind of person. Concernant la description de la situation initiale A, on note que le choix des descriptions n’est peut-être pas éthiquement neutre et nous insistons sur le fait qu’il est important de considérer des alternatives permettant X dans A. Concernant l’évaluation du stade D, nous avançons, en utilisant l’exemple de la FIV, qu’après leur peur et fascination initiale, les gens pourraient changer d’avis concernant D. Nous soutenons que l’étude critique de la preuve est nécessaire. Human willing, in other words, has a structure: it cannot be totally random. From the third edition of the Principles onwards, the principle of autonomy is recast as the principle of respect for autonomy, construed as a ‘moral limit,’ which “obligates agents to respect the autonomy of others” [15, p. 13–4]. The late 1960s and early 1970s witnessed an unprecedented degree of social unrest in the Western world. In these specific situations, a reflective understanding of one's preferences and. The contemporary discussion of personal autonomy can primarily be distinguished from Kantian moral autonomy through its commitment to metaphysical neutrality. Cette étude s’appuie sur la théorie de la structuration afin d’explorer comment des membres du public anticipent le potentiel et les limites de cette forme de prévention et de clarifier les processus de raisonnement sous-jacents. This allows us to tackle some of the ways in which social functioning can reduce situations of vulnerability through the concepts of relational autonomy, capabilities and inclusive society. ‘Natural’ freedom here is the freedom to act on one's impulses and appetites without constraint, whereas moral freedom “alone makes man truly the master of himself” [28, p. 54]. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. It is an intriguing argument: it confronts us with fears, gut feelings, and fundamental values; it invites us to think about the future, and it forces us not only to look at a technology or policy in isolation but at the whole picture. date: 08 December 2020. In it, I develop Foucault's thought that subjects in the Christian West have long been encouraged to understand themselves confessionally, offering to authority figures the “truth” about themselves. The concept of autonomy under scrutiny in academic philosophy is complex and ambiguous, anchored in discussions of freedom, determinism, moral responsibility and the nature of human agency. Noté /5. Within a decade, vulnerability has become central to social and political thinking. Bien que les travaux antérieurs de Foucault sur le regard médical aient été important pour la bioéthique, ce travail n’est plus aussi important que son travail plus tardif sur le pouvoir et la subjectivité. Bien que l’intérêt légal soit axé sur la facilité avec laquelle l’autonomie a été mise en branle par la doctrine du consentement, le pouvoir du concept de l’autonomie demeure ce qu’il symbolise : le droit d’une personne de résister à la coercition ou à la compulsion dans le cadre d’une relation de pouvoir. The law must come from reason because the authority of reason “hold[s] indifferently for all rational beings” [27, p. 54]. Unfortunately, however, I also believe that there are a number of important theoretical issues that are often overlooked by bioethicists when they do this, and that a failure to adequately address these theoretical issues has significant practical implications for a wide-range of bioethical issues. De plus, ces différents termes sont très souvent utilisés pour décrire et enfermer dans ces catégorisations, des groupes de personnes plus ou moins mises en marge de la société : les personnes âgées, les personnes déficientes ou en situation de handicap, les chômeurs, les pauvres, les immigrés, les mal-logés, etc. One says that an agent who sets an end will necessarily use the available means to achieve it. Kant's System of Nature and Freedom: Selected Essays, 1 Reason and Reflective Judgment: Kant on the Significance of Systematicity, 3 Kant on the Systematicity of Nature:Two Puzzles, 4 Kant's Ether Deduction and the Possibility of Experience, 6 Kant on the Theory and Practice of Autonomy, 7 The Form and Matter of the Categorical Imperative, 8 Ends of Reason and Ends of Nature: The Place of Teleology in Kant's Ethics, 9 Kant's Deductions of the Principles of Right, 11 The Unity of Nature and Freedom: Kant's Conception of the System of Philosophy, 12 From Nature to Morality: Kant's New Argument in the ‘Critique of Teleological Judgment’. I then interpret the compulsory use of wearables as a verification strategy for compliance with wellness programs as exemplary of such confessional strategies. Anchoring human well being in the ‘free development of individuality’ [17, p. 57], Mill argues that “there is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence” [17, p. 8–9]10. 420-428, Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, pp. For the participants, its legitimacy varies according to the groups that would be targeted and its potential and limits are contingent upon market dynamics and the role of public authorities. La dissection d’un cadavre humain est un rite de passage pour tout étudiant en médecine ; et pour une large majorité, c’est leur première confrontation avec un corps humain décédé. In sum, autonomously willed actions are the product of a process of deliberation which involves scrutiny of the reasons underlying our proposed actions to ensure that they meet certain standards of rationality. This chapter explores Kant's argument that freedom or autonomy can be achieved only through adherence to universal laws of action; his attempts to explain the value of autonomy through psychological and metaphysical arguments; and his recommendations for achieving autonomy in practice. The ideaof freedom as autonomy thus goes beyond the merely“nega… Cette étude contribue aux connaissances actuelles en dégageant des pistes de réflexion quant à la place de la médecine prédictive en santé publique. Au cœur de l’éthique de Kant se trouve l’association étroite entre l’action morale et la rationalité humaine ; sa déontologie est un produit de son rationalisme. The autonomous agent “must have the power to deliberate about and to change her values and motivations and to alter significant relations in her life if she so chooses” [33, p. 198]. Failing to respect autonomy, conversely, involves treating an individual “merely as a means, because he or she is treated in accordance with rules not of her choosing” [16, p. 62]. In so doing, I argue, they have failed to recognize how incredibly complex the notion of equality is and, correspondingly, have failed to give due weight to the many different aspects that underlay our notion of equality. C’est un argument intriguant : il nous confronte aux peurs, réactions instinctives et valeurs fondamentales : il nous invite à réfléchir au futur et nous force à non seulement considérer la technologie et les politiques comme des variables isolées mais de les considérer en adoptant une vue d’ensemble. Autonomy is defined in the first edition of the Principles as. In accepting the general will as their own will, members of civil society see themselves a part of a ‘moral whole’ and commit themselves to the pursuit of a common good, but do so in the knowledge that they “must limit [their pursuit of their own interests “to those compatible with everyone else's pursuit of their acceptable ends” [24, p. 495]. The concept of self-legislation at work in the Principles is explicitly Kantian. Il me semble que certaines personnes ont tendance à trop rapidement refuser une quelconque utilité au raisonnement égalitariste dans les débats bioéthiques, parce qu’ils se concentrent sur des raisons philosophiques qui n’ont aucun impact sur la valeur instrumentale de l’égalité dans la promotion d’états de santé positifs. Yet, as implied above, freedom from external interference is only a necessary, but not a sufficient condition of autonomy, the exercise of which presupposes an additional range of capacities, including the “ability to decide for oneself, control one's life and absorb the costs and benefits of one's choices” [20]. However, they provide no further account of the nature of willing or of the role of principles in human action, both of which are central to the Kantian conception of moral agency. The principlist definition of autonomy is indebted not only to Kant, but also to the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, a debt explicitly acknowledged by Beauchamp and Childress [14, p. 56–7]8. Albert Jonson sees the emphasis on autonomy in contemporary bioethics as “stem[ming] in large part from debates over the ethics of human experimentation and from a concern about the ‘excessive paternalism’ exercised by physicians” [9, p. 10]. Actions based on these elements of human nature are a product of what Kant terms ‘heteronomy’ and as such can never be autonomous [30, p. 47]21; we acknowledge their alienness by ruling them out as legitimate reasons for acting. Several ‘real-world’ events contributed significantly to the perception of the importance of respect for autonomy as a foundational principle of bioethics in the US, including the campaigns mounted by civil rights activists clamouring for access to healthcare in the 1960s and 1970s and the scandal generated by the infamous Tuskegee Syphillis study in 1972. Pour Kant, l’autonomie représentait l’idéal du libre arbitre : une volonté humaine menant à agir, non pas par appétit ou par désir, mais bien par identification avec un soi « supérieur » ou rationnel. Kant was both a scientist and an ethical theorist: he sought to explain in terms congruent with Newtonian physics how we can know the natural world, but he also wanted to explain moral motivation in a way which didn’t reduce morality to a form of empirical causality14. In fact, the translation of the concept of autonomy into consent law “highlights the dissonance between the ethical importance of respect for autonomy and the fundamental goals and processes of the law” [47, p. 86]. Rhetorically it is attractive with its often vivid images and sweeping statements, sometimes derived from fictional tales. Prior to the late eighteenth century, however, the term autonomy – meaning self-rule or self-government – was used to refer, not to individuals, but to independent city-states in the ancient world. Je note aussi que la plupart des bioéthiciens soucieux de promouvoir l’égalité en matière de santé ou de soins ont eu tendance à faire appel à une mesure unique de l’égalité, telle que le coefficient de Gini ou l’indice d’Atkinson. Beauchamp and Childress are to be commended for placing autonomy as an ideal of non-instrumentalisation at the heart of bioethics discourse after Tuskegee. All rights reserved. Bien que l’universalisme moral que Kant tentait de défendre n’est maintenant plus philosophiquement défendable, ses réflexions sur les traits principaux de l’action autonome sont demeurées importantes jusqu’à très tard au 20e siècle. The final section ties the discussion back to the clinical encounter as Zaner formulates it as an inherently moral encounter structured by vulnerabilities that matter for understanding the selfhood of patients. Although its legal appeal was based on the ease with which autonomy was operationalized in the doctrine of informed consent, the power of the concept of autonomy lay in what it symbolized: the right of an individual to resist coercion or compulsion in the context of a relationship of power. ‘Principlism’ is a mid-level theoretical tool, which has had broad appeal in facilitating analysis of ethical dilemmas in biomedicine, grasped in the abstract as conflicts between two or more of the four principles. For Frankfurt, what is distinctive about humans is their facility for reflectively evaluating the desires and motives that they have. La vulnérabilité dans nos sociétés présente de nombreux visages : chacun d’eux constitue une expérience singulière de la fragilité ou de la dépendance, de la domination presque toujours, dans une société individualiste qui tend à rendre chacun responsable de sa vie et de son destin. Accordingly, bioethicists and policy makers concerned to rank health policies, systems, and states in terms of which are most efficient, will need to determine, for each of the kinds of cases in which we they are interested, how much weight, if any, should be given to positions like The Narrow Person-Affecting View, The Wide Person-Affecting View, and The Impersonal Neutralist View. For John Christman, a central component of autonomy is the extent to which the agent participates in the process of how her preferences are formed and whether she could have ‘resisted’ the formation of the desire she proposes to act upon, if she had been given the opportunity [42, p. 10]. An individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, pp. The concept of autonomy, which has become ubiquitous in bioethics discourse, is largely based on the pared-down interpretation put forward by Beauchamp and Childress as one of the so-called ‘four principles’ of biomedical ethics [6]2. Kant is famous for his universalist moral theory, which emphasizes human dignity, equality, and autonomy. In such cases, autonomy is known to generally increase job satisfaction. I note that for most egalitarians or prioritarians, there would be no particular reason or justification for ranking alternatives in terms of a single aspect of overall wellbeing, even an aspect as important as health. Enfin, ces termes s’inscrivent la plupart du temps dans une vision négative et déficitaire des populations qu’ils contribuent ainsi à stigmatiser. Retrouvez The Scope of Autonomy: Kant and the Morality of Freedom et des millions de livres en stock sur Autonomy, on this view, is “legislation by coordinated individual selves” [26, p. 12] and, unlike natural freedom, which is ‘accidental’, the freedom which is conferred by this legislation, is an essential component of being human [29, p. 478]. This study contributes to current knowledge by identifying avenues of reflection on the emergence of predictive medicine in public health. Although its legal appeal was based on the ease with which autonomy was operationalized in the doctrine of informed consent, the power of the concept of autonomy lay in what it symbolized: the right of an individual to resist, . Pour lui, le devoir d’autonomie vaut inconditionnellement et pour tous. Kant understands autonomy as “that property of the will by which it [the will] is a law to itself” [30, p. 47] and moral action as “the subjection of reason to no laws except those it gives itself” [31, p. 15]. The exercise of autonomy consists, not merely in exercising choice, but in “the condition of being self-directed, of having authority over one's choices and actions whenever these are significant to the direction of one's life” [22, p. 100]. Il lui manquerait une conscience du tragique et de la fragilité des choses humaines. Yet, prior to the emergence of bioethics, autonomy had received scant mention in twentieth-century philosophy and was conspicuous by its absence from discussions of healthcare. For Kant, the relation between these two concepts, autonomy as our ultimate value and freedom of the will as our ultimate metaphysical property, although one assertible only on practical grounds, is intimate, to say the least – the unconditional moral law that enjoins us above all else to preserve and promote freedom of action “is merely the self-consciousness of a pure practical reason, this being identical with … An “incredible surge of interest in biomedical ethics” in the 1970s [5, p. 55] led to the reappearance of the concept of autonomy, partly in response to social and political events. I argue that doing this properly requires us to come to terms with whether our concern about health reflects a fundamental concern about people, and/or whether our concern about health represents a fundamental concern about health or wellbeing itself, and, insofar as it reflects the former, what, exactly, that entails. Claims have to be founded, albeit defenders of a slope sometimes seem to presume that this is not necessary, as it ‘obvious’ or ‘self-evident’. Yet he also defended sexist and (until late in his life) racist views. Dans la littérature courante, la vulnérabilité est considérée comme un état de la personne et le plus souvent associée, voire confondue, avec la fragilité. Autonomy for Kant is not just a synonym for the capacity to choose, whether simple or deliberative. At the heart of Kant’s moral theory is the idea of autonomy.Most readers interpret Kant as holding that autonomy is a property ofrational wills or agents. This unequivocal prohibition on the instrumentalisation of human beings is what Kant means by ‘respect for persons’ but it must be understood in the broader context of Kant's account of rational willing; what is valuable for Kant and worthy of respect is precisely the activity which constitutes the exercise of rational agency: reflection and discrimination in relation to one's motives and reasons for action. This argument also needs scrutiny. Rather than endorsement of actions which affirm a person's sense of self-identity, Marina Oshana claims that what is required for autonomy is that an agent be true to herself in the sense of being “disposed to acknowledge the aspects of her character and history that anchor or contradict her self-conception” [3, p. 19]. As with Rousseau, whose viewsinfluenced Kant, freedom does not consist in being bound by no law,but by laws that are in some sense of one’s own making. 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