Masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia salah satunya di daerah Kabupaten Bintan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, secara tradisional telah memanfaatkan mangrove jenis Xylocarpus granatum untuk pengobatan penyakit sesak nafas dengan … This study reports some biochemical changes, especially primary metabolites, and antioxidant activity associated with mobilization of lipids and phenolics during seed fermentation. E. cottonii slurry contain bioactive compound alkaloids and terpenoids. Metode yang digunakan dalam ekstraksi senyawa bioaktif inhibitor tirosinase ini adalah ekstraksi menggunakan teknik maserasi, sedang inhibisinya diketahui melalui metode spektroskopi visible. 21 Tabel 1. m. enunjukkan terdapat tujuh spesies . During fermentation, the decrease in fatty acid content in lipid coincided with the increasing acid value, which indicated that free fatty acids increased in seeds during fermentation. Xylocarpus granatum. 2 dan selanjutnya dipeka, Penentuan kadar air dan kadar abu mengacu pada. This research project was funded by Kemristek-Dikti in 2017. The tyrosinase activity assay results with MHY1556 also support its potent inhibitory effects. The objective of the present study was to find out the presence of phytochemicals in the petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of Marsilea minuta Linn (Marsileaceae), a common aquatic medicinal fern by both qualitative and quantitative screening methods. Tanaman ini telah digunakan untuk mengobati diare serta ekstrak metanol biji X. granatum dapat digunakan sebagai tabir surya atau sunscreen dan biji X. granatum mengandung tannin yang bersifat sebagai antibakteri (Hendrawan et al., 2015) The aim of the present study was to analyse the peel waste of Xylocarpus granatum fruits as potential source of tyrosinase inhibitors. Hasil penelitian ini menduga, menghambat aktivitas tirosinase adalah golongan flavon, Hubungan korelasi antara kandungan total fenol da, senyawa lain yang bukan termasuk dalam golonga, Gambar 2. adalah tanaman bakau (Xylocarpus granatum), yang merupakan tanaman pesisir yang hidup di hutan mangrove. daun mangrove Xylocarpus granatum adalah triterpenoid, steroid, saponin dan tannin. Experiment 1 demonstrated that KA had no effect on induction of liver preneoplastic lesions or glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P) positive foci, in either number or area. Kojic acid (KA), a naturally occurring compound, is contained in traditional Japanese fermented foods and is used as a food additive, preservative and a dermatological skin-lightening agent. S. plagyophyllum and 15,95 mg/kg for E. cottonii. Bunga memiliki empat kelopak bunga. X. granatum sudah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pesisir sebagai obat tradisional untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit termasuk mencegah hiperpigmentasi kulit. Subsequently, they were extracted with organic solvents of distinct polarity levels, namely n-hexane (non-polar), chloroform (semi-polar) and methanol (polar) by use of the single-maceration method. Phytochemistry, 65: 13, Pendidikan Tinggi. Hasil yang didapat adalah ekstrak metanol ketiga spesies Artocarpus mengandung senyawa bioaktif yang dapat menginhibisi tirosinase, sedang daya inhibisi terkuat didapat pada ekstrak metanol dari kulit batang A. heterophyllus (nangka). The roundish fruits measure up to 11 cm (4 in) in diameter. In chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of the plant showed positive results for 7 tests and in aqueous extract of the fern 5 phytochemical tests were positive.In quantitative analysis the important secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, saponinsand tannins were tested in all the extracts of the fern. In this study, we have synthesized and studied de novo tyrosinase inhibitor, MHY1556, which showed significantly better efficacy than other pre-existing tyrosinase inhibitors in vitro experiments.
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